IMG Friendly Programs; The Top 10 States in US 2020 - IMGPrep

IMG Friendly Programs; The Top 10 States in US 2020

May 22, 2020


 2020 NRMP Main Residency MatchÂŽ: Match Rates by Specialty and State study, the Top 10 Most IMG Friendly States are:

The Top 10 Most “IMG Friendly” States in 2020As an International Medical Graduate (IMG), when you consider what US-based residency programs to apply to, a critical factor is also knowing where to apply. 

When it comes to IMG acceptance rates, not all states are the same! The simple fact is that some U.S. states are statistically more open to accepting IMGs than others and, thus, are considered “IMG Friendly.”

IMGPrep is here to help you understand your options. Every year since 1952, the National Residency Match ProgramÂŽ (NRMPÂŽ) issues a report that is full of useful matching data on trends and statistics. By understanding the differences between each State, you can streamline your application process and better target your limited time and resources.

IMGPrep has already broken down the data, so you don’t have to.

According to the 2020 NRMP report, the following states were listed as the top ten most IMG friendly:

IMG Friendly States

Table 1.1: Top Ten IMG Friendly States in the US (according to NRMP)


Your Medical School:

USMLE Step 1 Score:

Or Select

USMLE Step 2 Score:

Graduation date:

US Clinical Experience?

Visa Sponsorship?

So what does this data mean?

It means that a large percentage of residency programs in these states are IMG friendly and a have established a strong track record of granting interviews and matching IMG applications. Keep in mind, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t apply to programs, not on this list! While no state specifically excludes IMG applicants, the states on this list have shown that they are statistically the ten most likely states to match an IMG applicant.   

So what are the “least IMG friendly” States?

According to the NRMP, the 10 least IMG friendly States of 2020 are:

IMG Friendly Residency Programs IMG Friendly States

Table 1.2: Top Ten least IMG Friendly States in the US 2020

Understanding this information will help you better target which programs to apply to.  

How can you use this information to improve your chances for a successful match? Get professional help! Our team at IMG Prep has over eighteen years of experience in guiding students through the process of selectively applying to residency programs.

IMG Prep, LLC’s Customized Residency Program Lists offer the most detailed examination of residency programs in the US, and the IMG Prep team can help you save time and avoid unnecessary costs. After all, application fees can be expensive, so applications should be targeted to programs for which a candidate qualifies.  Interested to see if these statistics apply to your specific application? IMGPrep Customized Residency Lists will provide you a Free Sneak Peek simply enter data in our search box and see for free what are the top ten States you Match Today. You can filter the lists by clicking States, filtering by groups of states and or region, and signals which specific programs are IMG Friendly.

In sum, when applying to programs, it is important to make an informed decision. The more a candidate understands trends and statistics in matching criteria the more effective the targeting of their application will be. Location matters, and where a candidate sends an application is important, because the higher the likelihood of acceptance, the greater the chance a candidate has of securing an interview.

IMGPrep is a leading educational consulting firm dedicated to assisting IMGs in reaching their goals, dreams, and potential. Check out our other Articles and learn more about IMGPrep services at:

IMGprep is not associated with the NRMPÂŽ or the MATCHÂŽ