ERAS Personal Statement and ERAS CV Services | IMGPrep

ERAS Application Document Services

We Assist International Medical Graduates (IMGs) with the ERAS Application, the ERAS Personal Statement and the ERAS CV

Our expert team is dedicated to supporting International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in perfecting their ERAS Application. We understand the profound impact that a compelling ERAS Personal Statement and a professionally drafted ERAS CV can have on your residency evaluation. A well-crafted document can greatly enhance your prospects of securing an invitation for a face-to-face residency interview. We’re here to guide you in refining these pivotal documents to help you make a lasting impression.:

Editing and Polishing Your Personal Statement

ERAS Personal Statement – $685/each | With Rush Fee $785


The ERAS personal statement offers a unique platform to distinguish your application from those of your peers. It enables residency program directors to gain insights into your personality, values, and motivations, which go beyond your test scores and CV. This crucial document assists them in assessing your compatibility with their program, facilitating them to discern if you are indeed the perfect match they’ve been looking for.

Our skilled writers can enhance your prospects of securing a spot in a US Residency Program.

Additional Information on the Residency Personal Statement.


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ERAS Common Application Form (CAF) – $725

Your ERAS application represents your professional journey, encompassing everything from your graduation to your application. It serves as your initial opportunity to create a powerful impression on program directors. An application that lacks clarity, professional articulation, or fails to effectively showcase your experiences and strengths could potentially jeopardize your chances for a pivotal placement opportunity. Leveraging their expertise, the adept writers at IMGPrep are committed to crafting an ERAS application that makes you stand out.

Thank you for your interest in IMGPrep ERAS CAF development we are accepting no further candidates for the ERAS CAF for this season


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CV Service – $450

Your Curriculum Vitae is one of your most valuable tools not only in the applications process but also in interviews. At IMGPrep, we recommend that you present each interviewer with a copy of your CV, allowing them to review your qualifications with ease. Let IMGPrep help you prepare a curriculum vitae that showcases your professionalism and experience. Your writer will help you prepare a document that is impressive, well-written, and attractive.


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Thank You Letter Service – $105 initial letter

So, you’ve aced the residency interview, but what comes next? The period of anticipation between interviews and the Match can often be the most anxiety-inducing phase of the entire application process. Applicants frequently feel as though they’ve lost control over the situation. However, that’s not the case! There’s still a proactive step you can take to give your application an additional edge. A well-crafted thank you letter post-interview can significantly elevate your application’s standing. It’s surprising how many applicants overlook the opportunity to professionally express their gratitude to the residency program. This thank you letter not only fortifies your image as a collaborative individual but also provides an opportunity to reiterate aspects of the interview. You can utilize this platform to remind the program director of your unique strengths or address any lingering concerns they might have. Don’t forgo this crucial part of the application process!

Subsequent letters to interviewers within the same residency program: $65

Frequently Asked Questions

Straightforward answers to common questions about your ERAS application, your ERAS personal statement and your ERAS CV.

I am applying to two specialties, do I need two different personal statements?

Yes, we recommend that you develop different personal statements that are tailored to each specialty, and speak to your unique qualifications and particular interest in that specialty. Visit our Personal Statements page for more FAQs regarding personal statements.

Why would I need an ERAS CV if program directors have already seen my ERAS application?

When you present an interviewer with your CV, you’re giving him an easy way to reference your unique background and qualifications. He won’t have to strain his memory to remember obscure details from your application; all the information he needs is at his fingertips! When you arrive for your interview, you must be prepared to present a professional, up-to-date copy of your CV, printed on the appropriate paper. A well-crafted CV allows you another opportunity to impress a potential employer with your proficiency and fluency in English. A poorly-written or sloppy CV may convince a program director that you do not have the professionalism it takes to succeed in a US residency program.

How do your writers present my information better than I myself would?

Our expert writers will help you determine prioritize which information belongs on your ERAS CV. We’ll help you figure out what to list and when to list it; we’ll help you showcase your medical expertise without allowing your CV to become overly clinical. We’ll also format your CV with a uniquely designed letterhead that you can use on all of your official communication; this will reinforce your image as a polished and a professional candidate.

How does the writing process work?

After purchasing our ERAS CV package, you will receive a detailed questionnaire with questions regarding your schooling, experience, and qualifications. Once you have completely filled out the questionnaire, your writer will create a CV that showcases your achievements and highlights your experience. You will receive your CV within 2-4 business days of submitting the questionnaire; you have another 2 business days to request changes.

When do I need a CV?

You should present each of your interviewers with a copy of your ERAS CV; remember to print it on high-quality paper! Also, when you mail in thank you letters after an interview, include a copy of your CV; this will help a busy program director put a face to your letter.